Monday, July 28, 2008


I've decided that my first drama post would be my currect favourite JDrama Rookies. The only reason i started this was that Hayato Ichihara was the main lead. Other than that, my interest rate was low. Hayato oh hayato. Starting with Waterboys 2 as my first JDrama, now I can't stop.

Now, take a look at the banner. How interesting could this drama be, just judging on the poster?
1. Sports drama- baseball. (eew, i'm a sucker for romance)
2. Terrible hairstyles.
3. Yet another teacher-student plot. Think dragon zakura, GTO, Gokusen.. the list goes on.

I wish I could convince everyone that Rookies is a MUST-WATCH. The cast grew on me as how they transformed from violent violent delinquents to determined guys achieving their dreams. I cried with them as they struggled with their violent past, their strong ego, each one of them coming together to play baseball. I'm even interested in baseball now.. HAHA! And Aniya. sigh Aniya! I fell in love with Hayato Ichihara all over again.

In all of his dramas or movies I've caught (he's mainly the main guy ! even when he was a kid and in his first movie), he's almost ALWAYS the weaker one who gets bullied, like Lily Chou Chou, waterboys 2, rainbow song.

But in Rookies, despite being the shortest, he's the one whom everyone fears and listens to.

Truth about Lily Chou Chou

you would wonder how these delicate boyish-goodlooking features make taller delinquents fear him.

There you go. His voice sexy like hell especially when he shouts at anyone, even the principal. It must be those shaped eyebrows, the way he walks and his inner bad-boy aura. oh gosh, i'm talking wayyyyy too much about him.

Moving on, Hiratsuka Taira is the guy who made me laugh so hard. He's one of the most silly and funny personality ever!

Kritani Kenta as Hiratsuka Taira. He's hot isn't he? Wait till you see this...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Just looking at him makes me laugh.

Unlike Hana Kimi(Japan), whereby the characters (apart from the main gang) are just passing good-looking guys you would forget filling in spaces. Each boy in Rookie tells a story and would leave you an impression.


Ratings: 9.5/10

(minus 0.5 marks for Kawato's annoying cheesy dream talks)

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