Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fate/Stay Night

It had been ages since I watched an anime. And Fate/Stay Night is the first action packed anime which involves swordplay that I've ever watched. I've never been interested in fighting anime but the only reason for watching this... i cosplayed saber.

not that i knew her before cosplaying her. but anyway, here's the photos (and probably my first appearance on the blog)

The plot on wiki is really long and I doubt that I would do a good job in summarizing the story, if you're really interested, just jump straight into the anime instead of trying to understand the story before watching.

Surprisingly, I enjoyed it despite it was not my kind of genre. Visuals and graphics are pretty good, but I had no idea why it isn't a really popular series.

Ratings: 7/10. I love it because it was a really short series of 24 episodes. I'll never watch anything with more than 30 episodes.

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