Friday, July 17, 2009

Cinderella Man

Not going to add any link or pictures for this.

Cinderella man was quite good in the beginning. At the very least, I was able to finish it. It turned quite boring towards the end. Comparing that I dumped Beethovan Virus and East of Eden, Cinderella Man is considerably a 'good' show in the current Korean drama market since I did not ditch it.

Kwon Sang Woo received a fairly disappointing role, I think he could have done better. He did cry, but it didn't make me feel like my heart was going to burst. I read somewhere that he lowered his fees for this show. I wonder?, he gotta support his kid? However, he's still one of the really good korean actors out there. I actually like his twin who died. The story line was pretty interesting, but not fantastic.

Now about Yoona, NOT a fan of her, *sorry snsd fans*, firstly, she's too young to be casted to be the lover of Kwon Sang Woo. What's the age gap? 10? And she didn't quite have the qualities that could make 2 guys fall for her. Too plain, too plain, too plain, too plain. She's a designer, but why are her clothes so.. plain?? why was her hair so.. plain? One of her qualities I really like was only the scenes where she was designing clothes. Thats all.

Why are korean dramas so disappointing now??

Ratings: 6/10

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