Thursday, July 30, 2009

Gokusen 2

I started watching this really old drama because I was waiting for the download of my newer dramas to complete and Gokusen2 had been lying around in my HD for the longest time and I wanted to watch the young Jin, Hiro, Kame.

SIGH. about Hiro....... He only spoke a line in the drama and sometimes I can't even see his head but his annoyingly bright green shirt he wears to school everyday.

Still, nothing to worry about, I have Jin and Kame. While watching this, i seriously couldn't decide who i like more. Kame was way too skinny then, Jin looked really good but he didn't shine much like Kame.

I'm sure you know how popular this show is. There are 3 seasons and now there's a movie coming out. wait, i think it's out already. But still, it was like a worse and lame version of Rookies. I know, Roookies is probably inspired from Gokusen, but I can't stand the music and the way yankumi unties her hair and removes her specs.

however, i'm looking forward to the movie hopeing it might be good. Kame is looking so damn hot these days!

Ratings: 5/10. did not even finish the finale.

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