Saturday, August 2, 2008

FT Island

Note: This post would contain bandwidth-killer amount of pictures.

Decided to take a break after marathoning Hana Yori Dango 2 from 9.30am until now. That's almost more than 7 hours and i think that would be my utmost limit.

I'm a phaedophile. (1990, 1991, 1992; damn) KYAA. But they're too cute and talented to resist. Musically wise and looks wise, they're a killer. What's sexier than little boys who plays their own music and sounds so good.

My favourite leader, lead guitarist and pianist- Choi Jong Hun

He sings too, but concentrates on playing for the band.

Lead vocals, Lee HongKi

I know it bothers you how girlie he looks. The first time i saw him sing, i was swept off the moment he opened his eyes. I went "Pretty!" and was so amazed at the high notes he could hit.

Guitars and vocals- Oh Won Bin

Hot bod rapperwho likes to act macho .

Drummer and youngest of the lot- Choi Min Hwan

Don't you think he looks like rain? But probably tonnes cuter. Speaks like a kid. Just go watch his clips on youtube.

Bassist - Lee JaeJin

I think he's got the widest fanbase but well, he's my least favourite member. (secret okay. i don want his noonas to assassinate me)

Sorry dude, I don have your lone picture. But I gotta say that he's really quite photogenic.
Ratings: I'll definately be biased and rate them 10/10. Their live performances are wayyy cooler than most asian bands out there.

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