Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Save the last dance for me

Haven't found time to blog, or rather, I can't decide on what movie/drama/anime to blog about. So, here's a really old one and one of my favourites. Save the last dance for me is probably my very first korean drama that got me started on the rest.

The cast doesn't seem so attractive but the story line is gripping! However, its another one of those memory-loss sappy romance story.

From the title, you'll presume its got some dance scenes. Noooo, they only semi-danced in the last few minutes of the show. Misleading, but that aside, here's a brief storyline.

After a major argument with his father over wishes for Hyun-woo to take over his company, Hyun-woo drove out and met a thief who stabbed him. Almost ran over by Eun-soo, she brought him to the hospital and was told that his injuries were so severe that he lost his memories. So, Eun-soo and her father decided to bring him back. Meanwhile, the thief who drove Hyun-woo's car, met with an accident and caused the car to explode. Hyun-woo's family received news that their son died.

One year passed and Eun-soo and Hyun-woo fell in love and under a pine tree, they exchanged lockets where he promised that whatever happened, even if his memory would return, he would love Eun-soo forever.

The day of their engagement, Eun-soo's father passed away and that night, someone back home wanted Hyun-woo dead but an accident caused his memories to return, but could not recall a single thing that happened over that year, even Eun-soo's existence. (STUPID!)

A year later, Eun-soo visted her friend at Seoul who worked at Hyun-woo's company and saw him.

And here's where the story actually begins....... watch it to find out.

Taiwanese drama, Prince turns to frog did a rip-off of this. It wasn't that bad, but I couldn't stand the cheap sound effects and what they wore. Not to mention, badly dyed hair.- black roots sprouting out of cheaply dyed hair. yucks.

8/10 ! I watched it 3 times and i teared each time i watch it.

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