Thursday, July 31, 2008

Yukan Club

I wasn't really interested to start Yukan Club because I thought they looked like dolls in the promotional poster. And I was thinking along the lines of Ouran High school host club.. (see post: for richer or poorer?). Majorly, i started Yukan because of JIN. JIN is all cool and coool coool cool in yukan club.

Pictures of Jin.
Once again, they're rich kids with too much spare time on hand (notice the similarity with Ouran). Thus, Yukan club's formed. However, they don't do nonsensical stuff like putting on acts to entertain girls (don't get me wrong, i adoreeee Ouran, just doing a comparison). These kids at Yukan solve crime mysteries. Intersting?

First few episodes got me really hooked. Jin as Shochikubai Miroku with a lollipop, his wicked black motorbike, cute helmet, the way he fought with the bad guys, AND when he covered his mouth controlling his tears in a comical manner.

Then it was those silly disguises when they go out and fight crime (bearing in mind that they're high school kids) that got me laughing hard.

Now I've gotta talk about Granmarie. HE ANNOYS ME so badly that i wanted to rip his blond hair off his scalp. alright, i exaggerated, my sis had a crush on him until he went platinum blond. Not only that, his fake french accent, the way he flirts just irked me.

PS. Jin and him are from Kat-tun, so, half-forgiven


Half-french and half-Jap (not in drama), she's really edgy and with her ass-kicking attitude, she's my heroine. The most endearing thing about her is that she EATS non-stop!

Notice that there're rice grains on her face! CUTE!

After episode 7, I lost interest and gave up on this series. It was really exciting and funny at the start, then my interest fell as i saw the similarity in almost every episode and the jokes were corny after awhile.

The reason i lasted to episode 7 was because of the special guest appearance. Well, not so special, I was just curious how Mike He sounds speaking Japanese.

Not really a fan of him though, but my 44 year old mom has a girlie crush on him *roll eyes*
Ratings: 5.5/10. So-so plot. Should have been more creative for the episodes. Jin's hotness saved it. And Yuri too.

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