Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My School ET

Ever since Family outing, I've always wanted to catch a Kim Sooro film. He's a character whom grew in me so much. He was actually my least favourite family member at the start, but now, without him, the show would seem stale.

Anyway, back to the film. Reasons for catching this: Lee Minho (yes, Goo Jun Pyo) and Kim Sooro.

Lee Minho looked really good. Sometimes I wonder if he did not happen to be Goo Jun Pyo, what would happen to the korean entertainment world. So, this show was several years before Boys over flowers and his acting skills were already polished back then, his role was similar to TOP's role in I AM SAM (which he coincidentally appeared in too)

Not an excellent korean movie, but passable and watchable if you really want to watch Lee Min Ho.

Ratings: 6/10. I almost gave up and fell asleep halfway.

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