Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Good o' Yamapi, He's awesome with creating trademark poses for almost all his dramas.

In Nobuta Wo Produce, it was "kon-kon".
In Proposal, it was "hallelujah chance"
In Kurosagi, it was " bang!"
Kurosaki is a young man whose family was destroyed by swindlers. Despite that, Kurosaki grows up to become a con artist known as Kurosagi. As Kurosagi, he swindles other con artists and returns the money to the original victim. He works with the master swindler Katsuragi Toshio even though Toshio had a hand in the destruction of Kurosaki’s family. Kurosaki's life begins to change when he meets Yoshikawa Tsurara, a young law student who disapproves of his disrespect of the law. Can she persuade Kurosaki to give up swindling and his quest for revenge?

I find it pretty endearing. His cool, mysterious vibe was perfect for his character in every episode. Still, you'd spot his cuteness here and there. Admitedly, he's not the best actors out there but still you'd still LOVE to watch him.

One thing notable in this drama was the acting skills of the dying old man. - Katsuragi Toshio

He was deathly sick in one moment, then deathly evil in another but really cute at times.

Once again, I think Horikita Maki seriously can't act. In Hana Kimi and Nobuta, alike, she's wooden-ly stiff, pretty to look at but shallow character. Terrible acting which is why I wonder why does she gets REALLY good roles.

Another annoying factor in this series was the useless, act all-knowing policeman evil chuckle. His voice is just too squeky for an old unattractive man.

Watch for:
-Yamapi showing the finger to the cops.
my jaw dropped at the scene.

Ratings: 7.5/10. Wished they would develop the romance bit in the movie.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

[upcoming movie] Page 198 of that man's book

The film follows the developing love story between a man named Juno (played by Lee Dong-wook) who rips out only page 198 from books and a librarian, Eun-soo (Eugene).
What? The story line sounds totally insane and psycho. However, this would definately be in my watch-list. THE CAST! THE CAST! Eugene and Lee Dong-wook from My Girl. I really really liked him in My Girl, but after that he seemed to have disappeared. Though now I wouldn't know if I would be comfortable with him acting psycho.
Eugene looks really pretty! Finally, she's not going to be a mother.
P.S. I'm going to watch My girl again. Do a review, and wonder why I hated Lee Junki so much then. Then again, My girl is also one of my fav KDrama. So, why is Lee Junki in alot of my favourite dramas?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hana Yori Dango: Final- the movie

FINALLY. Hana Yori Dango is completed. After the manga, season 1 & 2, and the movie.. I could take a break from Tsukushi and the F4. Heard that the korean Hana Yori Dango is coming out.. =/ why do they like to film this show so much?! ENOUGH ENOUGH. I'd be delighted if they would film an Ouran drama!

Back to the movie. The opening of the movie, I was disturbed by a crying child, screaming dad in the theatres. How unlucky! Somehow, I liked the idea of the filming in Las Vegas and Hong Kong but not skinny Jun running around along the shores of the deserted island. He's way too skinny and I've never thought he was suitable as Domyoji right from the beginning, it might be his weirdly tattoo-ed eyebrows in the show?

The wedding! It was absolutely hillarious when the lights went off and Hanazawa Rui became the priest infront of the couple.

Storyline wise, it was pretty disappointing- revolves around a tiara which represents their love. After the show, i was like "what? thats it?" Nevertheless, it was an excellent wrap, nothing was left hanging and now we bid Hana Yori Dango farewell..

Ratings: 7/10

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I wonder why everytime I'm watching Lee Junki's dramas, my urge to quickly finish the series and blog hastily is abnormal. It took me more than a week after watching Zettai Kareshi that I finally made an entry.

Back to Iljimae. It would definately remind you of Junki's previous drama, Time between wolf and dog. The storyline has clear similarities and both, unlike most Korean dramas which concentrates on the the romance side. Both Iljimae and Time between wolf and dog concentrates on Junki's martial arts. I could count the romantic scenes on one hand, but still the story line was gripping.

Sigh, I hate to admit this, I've a crush on Lee Junki.


Set during the Joseon Dynasty, Ryung acts as a useless gangster in the marketplace by day but at night he is a chivalrous robber who robs corrupt government officials to give to the poor. After each robbery he leaves behind a wooden branch from a plum tree at the site of the robbery to take responsibility for the robbery. The poor citizens only know him as Iljimae. Bong Soon is a hilarious girl with good martial art skills and lives as a swindler. She only loves Ryung and sacrifices her whole life for him. Eun Chae is a government official's daughter and is good in nature and usually helps miserable people. She meets Iljimae once by chance, and their sweet love story begins. However, her love puts Iljimae in a dangerous situation because an Imperial Guard also loves her.

He is probably the best korean guy actor I've seen so far. I loved it when he was acting this good-for-nothing goofy and funny yong-ee, then serious and so brilliantly smart as Iljimae (the righteous burgler- think Robin Hood).

Han Hye Joo as Eun-chae, she acted in Spring Waltz which was one of my favourite Korean dramas, as much as I like her, her acting skills was not very outstanding. In fact, in Iljimae, I found her to be a very boring female lead- she was too perfect.

And! You'd get to see Kwon Sang Woo's wife in this drama. Though it was only for one episode.

Ratings: 8.5/10; only the non-existent ending and romance sucks.

Zettai Kareshi

Zettai Kareshi- Absolute boyfriend or perfect boyfriend. Like many Japanese dramas, this was from a manga. I wasn't exactly a huge fan of it as it was too far-fetched.

Summary from wiki:

Robot maker, Kronos Heaven, finally develops "Night Tenjo", the perfect male humanoid programmed to be devoted and completely loyal to his lover. The company chooses temp worker Izawa Riko to take part in a 5-day free trial. At first, Riko only sees Night as a household appliance. But when she finds out how deep Night's devotion to herself is, Riko finds herself falling in love with him. Joining the love triangle is Asamoto Soshi, a distinguished young executive at her company who has feelings for her.

A robot devoted to love, and is your perfect boyfriend. How creepy!? And Mr Robot, aka, Nighto- was downright annoying! I think I must be cold-hearted towards him (what? he's only a robot) because my sister cried and i did not. Now, she has NEVER shed a drop of tear at any scenes of ANY dramas. It must have been that sad, and I wonder why am I not moved to tears? (fyi, I tear at almost all sad scenes)

Once again, I was attracted to the second male lead. Hiro Mizushima as Asamoto Soshi. Though there wasn't much development in the relationship between Riko and Soshi, and it was bright and clear that it would be Riko + Night (MANGA!), I was still rooting for Soshi till the end.

RATINGS: 7/10.