Saturday, March 21, 2009

Antique Bakery

Firstly, I watched this show because of the hot cast. Antique Bakery turned out to be much more deep than I had expected. I was fooled by the lovely pastries and cakes, never expected a dark and murderous side in the movie. Originated from a Japanese Yaoi* manga, the storyline is rich and did not disappoint.

I thought, what good could come out from a model-turn-actor cast. But surprisingly, I was really satisfied with how they filled in their characters. It's labeled as a 'homo' movie. So yea, no main female character. I was waiting to be really disgusted by their homo display, but it all turned out pretty fine. Gross 'gay' level- 1 out of 5.

Moving on to the cast.. I'm sure you would be pretty familar with a few of them.

TOP: The hot japanese dude in Coffee Prince. If you caught that show, you just got to watch him in Antique! Because, he's so gay you can't believe its the same person. And I totally love his fashion sense in the show.

2nd from TOP: Don't really know him, moving on..

3rd from TOP: The main guy. If you've caught the korean drama which EVERYONE watched, you'll know him. Right, he's Shin-goon/Crown Prince of Korea in Goong. With addition to his newly grown moustache and him clutching a cancer-stick. This guy can really act man.

Lastly: The mute bodyguard from Time between Wolf and Dog. He actually spoke in this show.

Ratings: 9.5/10. Be prepared to crack your brain towards the end of the movie. Who is the kidnapper?

Spoilers(Highlight to read)
my take on the kidnapper:The strange man who Jin Hyuk was strangling at the end of the movie seem to be the old man's son who 'died'. When his wife talked about the 'death' of the son, it might have been when he lost his mind.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

East of Eden

Take a look at the cast, you would probably know more than 50% of them. The cast is remarkable. Lee Da Hee, Song Seung Hun, Han Ji Hye, Yun Jong Hoon, they were all from popular movies/series. Right, and I almost forgot hot American/Korean Dennis Oh (the guy who can't really act, but eye-candy worth)

However, East of Eden was such painful drama to watch. I stopped at EPISODE 24 because it became such a chore to finish and that i was fastforwarding 80% of each episode.
Still, I had to say that what kept me going on was the first 5 episodes. I even went around telling people how great this drama is. Looks like I'm terribly wrong. There's so much angst and revolves mostly on revenge revenge revenge.(o so boring. i need romance!)

Here's a short sypnosis taken from wiki:

The drama will be about two men whose fates are crossed from the very first day that they were born. Both men were born in the same hospital. When he was a teenager, Lee Dong Chul witnessed the death of his father. From then on he promised to seek revenge on the man who caused his father's death, Shin Tae Hwan. But unbeknownst to everybody is the fact that Dong Chul's younger brother, Dong Wook, was switched at birth with Tae Hwan's son, Myung Hun. Dong Wook grows up to become a prosecutor and vows to help his brother seek revenge. But what happens when they find out that they're not brothers? What will Dong Chul do when he finds out that his real brother was raised by Shin Tae Hwan and that the brother that was beside him all these years is the son of his enemy?

The only good stuff in this drama:

- The storyline was pretty gripping at first.
- Kimbum was such a great actor even though he only appeared in the first few episodes as the young main lead.

credits to jaycee05

Talking about Kimbum, he's way beyond awesome. I found myself comparing between Song Seung Hun(who is a MUCH more experienced actor) and Kimbum when Song Seung Hun started to cry. GAH, terrible crying compared to Kimbum.
Photo taken from his wiki page. Doesn't do him much justice, but he's cute! Even much more cuter in Boys over Flowers whereby he portrays a cassanova. Look at the difference between both characters! One's a little boy who is so poor that he had to risk his life to save his family. Another one who is 'Prince' whose family is the pillar of Korea and owns a museum.

His rich boy image in BOF. I promise there will be more eyecandies once I'm done with Boys over flowers!

Sorry, this is such a Kimbum-centred post. Back to East of Eden..
Just don watch it unless you have plenty of time on your hand. I can't stand the thought of watching another 25 more episodes (50+ episodes for this )@(#)@ drama!) unless Kim Bum is gonna appear again(highly unlikely).
Ratings: 5/10 (gotta give credit to the cast and first few episodes) not for romantics.